Software and Hardware Agreements
If you are involved with the development of software then it is important to set out your rights and those of any party who have asked you to develop the software. This can be done by the drafting of a Software Development Agreement.
You may require someone to test the software for you. Obligations can be set out in a Testing Agreement.
You may licence cloud services and these could be protected by the use of a Infrastructure, Platform or Software as a Service agreement
A customer may wish for you to provide your source code to them. You may not wish to do so. A compromise could be the entering into a Software Escrow Agreement.
In addition, you could be looking to sell or purchase I.T related hardware such as computers, tablets, servers, or firewalls. These arrangements are covered by the Sale of Goods Act and it is best to enter into a formal contract with the seller/purchaser in order to best protect yourself.
DPA/OK can advise in relation to software development, licensing of software and the sale/ purchase of hardware.